Bullet Collision Detection & Physics Library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library, http://bulletphysics.org
3 Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
5 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
6 In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
7 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
8 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
9 subject to the following restrictions:
11 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
12 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
13 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
14 */
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22 // K E R N E L F U N C T I O N S
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30 // calculate position in uniform grid
32 {
33  int3 gridPos;
34  gridPos.x = (int)floor((p.x - BT_GPU_params.m_worldOriginX) / BT_GPU_params.m_cellSizeX);
35  gridPos.y = (int)floor((p.y - BT_GPU_params.m_worldOriginY) / BT_GPU_params.m_cellSizeY);
36  gridPos.z = (int)floor((p.z - BT_GPU_params.m_worldOriginZ) / BT_GPU_params.m_cellSizeZ);
37  return gridPos;
38 } // bt3DGrid_calcGridPos()
40 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 // calculate address in grid from position (clamping to edges)
44 {
45  gridPos.x = BT_GPU_max(0, BT_GPU_min(gridPos.x, (int)BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeX - 1));
46  gridPos.y = BT_GPU_max(0, BT_GPU_min(gridPos.y, (int)BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeY - 1));
47  gridPos.z = BT_GPU_max(0, BT_GPU_min(gridPos.z, (int)BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeZ - 1));
48  return BT_GPU___mul24(BT_GPU___mul24(gridPos.z, BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeY), BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeX) + BT_GPU___mul24(gridPos.y, BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeX) + gridPos.x;
49 } // bt3DGrid_calcGridHash()
51 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 // calculate grid hash value for each body using its AABB
54 BT_GPU___global__ void calcHashAABBD(bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, uint2* pHash, uint numBodies)
55 {
57  if(index >= (int)numBodies)
58  {
59  return;
60  }
61  bt3DGrid3F1U bbMin = pAABB[index*2];
62  bt3DGrid3F1U bbMax = pAABB[index*2 + 1];
63  float4 pos;
64  pos.x = (bbMin.fx + bbMax.fx) * 0.5f;
65  pos.y = (bbMin.fy + bbMax.fy) * 0.5f;
66  pos.z = (bbMin.fz + bbMax.fz) * 0.5f;
67  // get address in grid
68  int3 gridPos = bt3DGrid_calcGridPos(pos);
69  uint gridHash = bt3DGrid_calcGridHash(gridPos);
70  // store grid hash and body index
71  pHash[index] = BT_GPU_make_uint2(gridHash, index);
72 } // calcHashAABBD()
74 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 BT_GPU___global__ void findCellStartD(uint2* pHash, uint* cellStart, uint numBodies)
77 {
79  if(index >= (int)numBodies)
80  {
81  return;
82  }
83  uint2 sortedData = pHash[index];
84  // Load hash data into shared memory so that we can look
85  // at neighboring body's hash value without loading
86  // two hash values per thread
87  BT_GPU___shared__ uint sharedHash[257];
88  sharedHash[BT_GPU_threadIdx.x+1] = sortedData.x;
89  if((index > 0) && (BT_GPU_threadIdx.x == 0))
90  {
91  // first thread in block must load neighbor body hash
92  volatile uint2 prevData = pHash[index-1];
93  sharedHash[0] = prevData.x;
94  }
96  if((index == 0) || (sortedData.x != sharedHash[BT_GPU_threadIdx.x]))
97  {
98  cellStart[sortedData.x] = index;
99  }
100 } // findCellStartD()
102 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 {
106  return (min0.fx <= max1.fx)&& (min1.fx <= max0.fx) &&
107  (min0.fy <= max1.fy)&& (min1.fy <= max0.fy) &&
108  (min0.fz <= max1.fz)&& (min1.fz <= max0.fz);
109 } // cudaTestAABBOverlap()
111 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114  uint index,
115  uint2* pHash,
116  uint* pCellStart,
117  bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB,
118  uint* pPairBuff,
119  uint2* pPairBuffStartCurr,
120  uint numBodies)
121 {
122  if ( (gridPos.x < 0) || (gridPos.x > (int)BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeX - 1)
123  || (gridPos.y < 0) || (gridPos.y > (int)BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeY - 1)
124  || (gridPos.z < 0) || (gridPos.z > (int)BT_GPU_params.m_gridSizeZ - 1))
125  {
126  return;
127  }
128  uint gridHash = bt3DGrid_calcGridHash(gridPos);
129  // get start of bucket for this cell
130  uint bucketStart = pCellStart[gridHash];
131  if (bucketStart == 0xffffffff)
132  {
133  return; // cell empty
134  }
135  // iterate over bodies in this cell
136  uint2 sortedData = pHash[index];
137  uint unsorted_indx = sortedData.y;
138  bt3DGrid3F1U min0 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx*2);
139  bt3DGrid3F1U max0 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx*2 + 1);
140  uint handleIndex = min0.uw;
141  uint2 start_curr = pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex];
142  uint start = start_curr.x;
143  uint curr = start_curr.y;
144  uint2 start_curr_next = pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex+1];
145  uint curr_max = start_curr_next.x - start - 1;
146  uint bucketEnd = bucketStart + BT_GPU_params.m_maxBodiesPerCell;
147  bucketEnd = (bucketEnd > numBodies) ? numBodies : bucketEnd;
148  for(uint index2 = bucketStart; index2 < bucketEnd; index2++)
149  {
150  uint2 cellData = pHash[index2];
151  if (cellData.x != gridHash)
152  {
153  break; // no longer in same bucket
154  }
155  uint unsorted_indx2 = cellData.y;
156  if (unsorted_indx2 < unsorted_indx) // check not colliding with self
157  {
158  bt3DGrid3F1U min1 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx2*2);
159  bt3DGrid3F1U max1 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx2*2 + 1);
160  if(cudaTestAABBOverlap(min0, max0, min1, max1))
161  {
162  uint handleIndex2 = min1.uw;
163  uint k;
164  for(k = 0; k < curr; k++)
165  {
166  uint old_pair = pPairBuff[start+k] & (~BT_3DGRID_PAIR_ANY_FLG);
167  if(old_pair == handleIndex2)
168  {
169  pPairBuff[start+k] |= BT_3DGRID_PAIR_FOUND_FLG;
170  break;
171  }
172  }
173  if(k == curr)
174  {
175  if(curr >= curr_max)
176  { // not a good solution, but let's avoid crash
177  break;
178  }
179  pPairBuff[start+curr] = handleIndex2 | BT_3DGRID_PAIR_NEW_FLG;
180  curr++;
181  }
182  }
183  }
184  }
185  pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex] = BT_GPU_make_uint2(start, curr);
186  return;
187 } // findPairsInCell()
189 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 BT_GPU___global__ void findOverlappingPairsD( bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, uint2* pHash, uint* pCellStart,
192  uint* pPairBuff, uint2* pPairBuffStartCurr, uint numBodies)
193 {
195  if(index >= (int)numBodies)
196  {
197  return;
198  }
199  uint2 sortedData = pHash[index];
200  uint unsorted_indx = sortedData.y;
201  bt3DGrid3F1U bbMin = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx*2);
202  bt3DGrid3F1U bbMax = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx*2 + 1);
203  float4 pos;
204  pos.x = (bbMin.fx + bbMax.fx) * 0.5f;
205  pos.y = (bbMin.fy + bbMax.fy) * 0.5f;
206  pos.z = (bbMin.fz + bbMax.fz) * 0.5f;
207  // get address in grid
208  int3 gridPos = bt3DGrid_calcGridPos(pos);
209  // examine only neighbouring cells
210  for(int z=-1; z<=1; z++) {
211  for(int y=-1; y<=1; y++) {
212  for(int x=-1; x<=1; x++) {
213  findPairsInCell(gridPos + BT_GPU_make_int3(x, y, z), index, pHash, pCellStart, pAABB, pPairBuff, pPairBuffStartCurr, numBodies);
214  }
215  }
216  }
217 } // findOverlappingPairsD()
219 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
221 BT_GPU___global__ void findPairsLargeD( bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, uint2* pHash, uint* pCellStart, uint* pPairBuff,
222  uint2* pPairBuffStartCurr, uint numBodies, uint numLarge)
223 {
225  if(index >= (int)numBodies)
226  {
227  return;
228  }
229  uint2 sortedData = pHash[index];
230  uint unsorted_indx = sortedData.y;
231  bt3DGrid3F1U min0 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx*2);
232  bt3DGrid3F1U max0 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, unsorted_indx*2 + 1);
233  uint handleIndex = min0.uw;
234  uint2 start_curr = pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex];
235  uint start = start_curr.x;
236  uint curr = start_curr.y;
237  uint2 start_curr_next = pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex+1];
238  uint curr_max = start_curr_next.x - start - 1;
239  for(uint i = 0; i < numLarge; i++)
240  {
241  uint indx2 = numBodies + i;
242  bt3DGrid3F1U min1 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, indx2*2);
243  bt3DGrid3F1U max1 = BT_GPU_FETCH(pAABB, indx2*2 + 1);
244  if(cudaTestAABBOverlap(min0, max0, min1, max1))
245  {
246  uint k;
247  uint handleIndex2 = min1.uw;
248  for(k = 0; k < curr; k++)
249  {
250  uint old_pair = pPairBuff[start+k] & (~BT_3DGRID_PAIR_ANY_FLG);
251  if(old_pair == handleIndex2)
252  {
253  pPairBuff[start+k] |= BT_3DGRID_PAIR_FOUND_FLG;
254  break;
255  }
256  }
257  if(k == curr)
258  {
259  pPairBuff[start+curr] = handleIndex2 | BT_3DGRID_PAIR_NEW_FLG;
260  if(curr >= curr_max)
261  { // not a good solution, but let's avoid crash
262  break;
263  }
264  curr++;
265  }
266  }
267  }
268  pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex] = BT_GPU_make_uint2(start, curr);
269  return;
270 } // findPairsLargeD()
272 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 BT_GPU___global__ void computePairCacheChangesD(uint* pPairBuff, uint2* pPairBuffStartCurr,
275  uint* pPairScan, bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, uint numBodies)
276 {
278  if(index >= (int)numBodies)
279  {
280  return;
281  }
282  bt3DGrid3F1U bbMin = pAABB[index * 2];
283  uint handleIndex = bbMin.uw;
284  uint2 start_curr = pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex];
285  uint start = start_curr.x;
286  uint curr = start_curr.y;
287  uint *pInp = pPairBuff + start;
288  uint num_changes = 0;
289  for(uint k = 0; k < curr; k++, pInp++)
290  {
291  if(!((*pInp) & BT_3DGRID_PAIR_FOUND_FLG))
292  {
293  num_changes++;
294  }
295  }
296  pPairScan[index+1] = num_changes;
297 } // computePairCacheChangesD()
299 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 BT_GPU___global__ void squeezeOverlappingPairBuffD(uint* pPairBuff, uint2* pPairBuffStartCurr, uint* pPairScan,
302  uint* pPairOut, bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, uint numBodies)
303 {
305  if(index >= (int)numBodies)
306  {
307  return;
308  }
309  bt3DGrid3F1U bbMin = pAABB[index * 2];
310  uint handleIndex = bbMin.uw;
311  uint2 start_curr = pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex];
312  uint start = start_curr.x;
313  uint curr = start_curr.y;
314  uint* pInp = pPairBuff + start;
315  uint* pOut = pPairOut + pPairScan[index];
316  uint* pOut2 = pInp;
317  uint num = 0;
318  for(uint k = 0; k < curr; k++, pInp++)
319  {
320  if(!((*pInp) & BT_3DGRID_PAIR_FOUND_FLG))
321  {
322  *pOut = *pInp;
323  pOut++;
324  }
325  if((*pInp) & BT_3DGRID_PAIR_ANY_FLG)
326  {
327  *pOut2 = (*pInp) & (~BT_3DGRID_PAIR_ANY_FLG);
328  pOut2++;
329  num++;
330  }
331  }
332  pPairBuffStartCurr[handleIndex] = BT_GPU_make_uint2(start, num);
333 } // squeezeOverlappingPairBuffD()
336 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
338 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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340 // E N D O F K E R N E L F U N C T I O N S
341 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 extern "C"
347 {
349 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
351 void BT_GPU_PREF(calcHashAABB)(bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, unsigned int* hash, unsigned int numBodies)
352 {
353  int numThreads, numBlocks;
354  BT_GPU_PREF(computeGridSize)(numBodies, 256, numBlocks, numThreads);
355  // execute the kernel
356  BT_GPU_EXECKERNEL(numBlocks, numThreads, calcHashAABBD, (pAABB, (uint2*)hash, numBodies));
357  // check if kernel invocation generated an error
358  BT_GPU_CHECK_ERROR("calcHashAABBD kernel execution failed");
359 } // calcHashAABB()
361 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 void BT_GPU_PREF(findCellStart(unsigned int* hash, unsigned int* cellStart, unsigned int numBodies, unsigned int numCells))
364 {
365  int numThreads, numBlocks;
366  BT_GPU_PREF(computeGridSize)(numBodies, 256, numBlocks, numThreads);
367  BT_GPU_SAFE_CALL(BT_GPU_Memset(cellStart, 0xffffffff, numCells*sizeof(uint)));
368  BT_GPU_EXECKERNEL(numBlocks, numThreads, findCellStartD, ((uint2*)hash, (uint*)cellStart, numBodies));
369  BT_GPU_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed: findCellStartD");
370 } // findCellStart()
372 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 void BT_GPU_PREF(findOverlappingPairs(bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, unsigned int* pHash, unsigned int* pCellStart, unsigned int* pPairBuff, unsigned int* pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int numBodies))
375 {
376 #if B_CUDA_USE_TEX
377  BT_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaBindTexture(0, pAABBTex, pAABB, numBodies * 2 * sizeof(bt3DGrid3F1U)));
378 #endif
379  int numThreads, numBlocks;
380  BT_GPU_PREF(computeGridSize)(numBodies, 64, numBlocks, numThreads);
381  BT_GPU_EXECKERNEL(numBlocks, numThreads, findOverlappingPairsD, (pAABB,(uint2*)pHash,(uint*)pCellStart,(uint*)pPairBuff,(uint2*)pPairBuffStartCurr,numBodies));
382  BT_GPU_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed: bt_CudaFindOverlappingPairsD");
383 #if B_CUDA_USE_TEX
384  BT_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaUnbindTexture(pAABBTex));
385 #endif
386 } // findOverlappingPairs()
388 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 void BT_GPU_PREF(findPairsLarge(bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, unsigned int* pHash, unsigned int* pCellStart, unsigned int* pPairBuff, unsigned int* pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int numBodies, unsigned int numLarge))
391 {
392 #if B_CUDA_USE_TEX
393  BT_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaBindTexture(0, pAABBTex, pAABB, (numBodies+numLarge) * 2 * sizeof(bt3DGrid3F1U)));
394 #endif
395  int numThreads, numBlocks;
396  BT_GPU_PREF(computeGridSize)(numBodies, 64, numBlocks, numThreads);
397  BT_GPU_EXECKERNEL(numBlocks, numThreads, findPairsLargeD, (pAABB,(uint2*)pHash,(uint*)pCellStart,(uint*)pPairBuff,(uint2*)pPairBuffStartCurr,numBodies,numLarge));
398  BT_GPU_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed: btCuda_findPairsLargeD");
399 #if B_CUDA_USE_TEX
400  BT_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaUnbindTexture(pAABBTex));
401 #endif
402 } // findPairsLarge()
404 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 void BT_GPU_PREF(computePairCacheChanges(unsigned int* pPairBuff, unsigned int* pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int* pPairScan, bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, unsigned int numBodies))
407 {
408  int numThreads, numBlocks;
409  BT_GPU_PREF(computeGridSize)(numBodies, 256, numBlocks, numThreads);
410  BT_GPU_EXECKERNEL(numBlocks, numThreads, computePairCacheChangesD, ((uint*)pPairBuff,(uint2*)pPairBuffStartCurr,(uint*)pPairScan,pAABB,numBodies));
411  BT_GPU_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed: btCudaComputePairCacheChangesD");
412 } // computePairCacheChanges()
414 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 void BT_GPU_PREF(squeezeOverlappingPairBuff(unsigned int* pPairBuff, unsigned int* pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int* pPairScan, unsigned int* pPairOut, bt3DGrid3F1U* pAABB, unsigned int numBodies))
417 {
418  int numThreads, numBlocks;
419  BT_GPU_PREF(computeGridSize)(numBodies, 256, numBlocks, numThreads);
420  BT_GPU_EXECKERNEL(numBlocks, numThreads, squeezeOverlappingPairBuffD, ((uint*)pPairBuff,(uint2*)pPairBuffStartCurr,(uint*)pPairScan,(uint*)pPairOut,pAABB,numBodies));
421  BT_GPU_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed: btCudaSqueezeOverlappingPairBuffD");
422 } // btCuda_squeezeOverlappingPairBuff()
424 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 } // extern "C"
428 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
429 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
430 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BT_GPU___device__ uint cudaTestAABBOverlap(bt3DGrid3F1U min0, bt3DGrid3F1U max0, bt3DGrid3F1U min1, bt3DGrid3F1U max1)
#define BT_GPU_blockIdx
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:203
#define BT_GPU_blockDim
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:204
BT_GPU___global__ void findCellStartD(uint2 *pHash, uint *cellStart, uint numBodies)
unsigned int y
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:33
void BT_GPU_PREF() computeGridSize(int n, int blockSize, int &numBlocks, int &numThreads)
#define BT_GPU___syncthreads()
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:66
#define BT_GPU_make_uint2(x, y)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:73
float x
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:48
#define BT_GPU___mul24(a, b)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:63
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:208
void BT_GPU_PREF() findOverlappingPairs(bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, unsigned int *pHash, unsigned int *pCellStart, unsigned int *pPairBuff, unsigned int *pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int numBodies)
#define BT_GPU_min(a, b)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:61
#define BT_GPU_SAFE_CALL(func)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:196
void BT_GPU_PREF() findPairsLarge(bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, unsigned int *pHash, unsigned int *pCellStart, unsigned int *pPairBuff, unsigned int *pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int numBodies, unsigned int numLarge)
unsigned int x
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:33
#define BT_GPU___device__
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:57
#define BT_GPU_params
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:62
#define BT_GPU_threadIdx
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:205
#define BT_GPU_EXECKERNEL(numb, numt, kfunc, args)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:206
BT_GPU___device__ int3 bt3DGrid_calcGridPos(float4 p)
#define BT_GPU_Memset
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:197
BT_GPU___global__ void calcHashAABBD(bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, uint2 *pHash, uint numBodies)
void BT_GPU_PREF() computePairCacheChanges(unsigned int *pPairBuff, unsigned int *pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int *pPairScan, bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, unsigned int numBodies)
float y
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:48
#define BT_GPU___global__
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:64
void BT_GPU_PREF() findCellStart(unsigned int *hash, unsigned int *cellStart, unsigned int numBodies, unsigned int numCells)
#define BT_GPU_FETCH(a, b)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:193
BT_GPU___global__ void findPairsLargeD(bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, uint2 *pHash, uint *pCellStart, uint *pPairBuff, uint2 *pPairBuffStartCurr, uint numBodies, uint numLarge)
#define BT_GPU___shared__
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:65
#define BT_GPU_max(a, b)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:60
float z
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:48
void BT_GPU_PREF() calcHashAABB(bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, unsigned int *hash, unsigned int numBodies)
unsigned int uint
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:24
BT_GPU___global__ void findOverlappingPairsD(bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, uint2 *pHash, uint *pCellStart, uint *pPairBuff, uint2 *pPairBuffStartCurr, uint numBodies)
void BT_GPU_PREF() squeezeOverlappingPairBuff(unsigned int *pPairBuff, unsigned int *pPairBuffStartCurr, unsigned int *pPairScan, unsigned int *pPairOut, bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, unsigned int numBodies)
BT_GPU___global__ void squeezeOverlappingPairBuffD(uint *pPairBuff, uint2 *pPairBuffStartCurr, uint *pPairScan, uint *pPairOut, bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, uint numBodies)
BT_GPU___device__ uint bt3DGrid_calcGridHash(int3 gridPos)
BT_GPU___device__ void findPairsInCell(int3 gridPos, uint index, uint2 *pHash, uint *pCellStart, bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, uint *pPairBuff, uint2 *pPairBuffStartCurr, uint numBodies)
int y
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:38
void BT_GPU_PREF(findCellStart(unsigned int *hash, unsigned int *cellStart, unsigned int numBodies, unsigned int numCells))
int z
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:38
int x
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:38
#define BT_GPU_make_int3(x, y, z)
Definition: btGpuDefines.h:79
BT_GPU___global__ void computePairCacheChangesD(uint *pPairBuff, uint2 *pPairBuffStartCurr, uint *pPairScan, bt3DGrid3F1U *pAABB, uint numBodies)