Class MathParser

  extended by jwo.utils.expression.MathParser

public final class MathParser
extends Object

Converts a mathematical expression (using 'normal' infix ordering) into a postfixed stack. Used for evaluation of mathematical expressions. Modified from original code described at www.devx.com/premier/mgznarch/javapro/2001/05may01/ps0105/ps0105.asp. Modifications allow unary operators (e.g. trig functions) to be parsed and arbitrary variable substitutions to be added.

2.3, 16th February, 2001, modified 4th September, 2008.
Original code Daniel Savarese, extensively modified by Jo Wood.

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new math parser that can process a mathematical expression.
MathParser(boolean useVars)
          Creates a new math parser that can process a mathematical expression.
Method Summary
 void addCommand(String cmdName)
          Adds a permitted command/function name to those looked for when parsing expression.
 void addVariable(String varName)
          Adds a permitted variable name to those looked for when parsing expression.
 Stack parse(String input)
          Parses an mathematical infix expression storing the operators and operands on a postfixed processing stack.
 boolean usesZ1()
          Reports whether a 'z1' substitution has been made.
 boolean usesZ2()
          Reports whether a 'z2' substitution has been made.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MathParser()
Creates a new math parser that can process a mathematical expression. This version does not use the shortcut variables x,y,z1 and z2. For variable substitution use addVariable() and implement a Substitutable interface. Variable substitution should use one or other of these approaches and not both.


public MathParser(boolean useVars)
Creates a new math parser that can process a mathematical expression. There are two ways of providing evaluation-time variable substitution. The shortcut variables x,y,z1 and z2 can be specified as a constructor to the evaluator if this parser sets useVars to true. The preferred and more general solution is to use addVariable() and implement a Substitutable interface. Variable substitution should use one or other of these approaches and not both.

useVars - If true, the shortcut variables 'x', 'y', 'z1' and 'z2' can be substituted at evaluation time.
Method Detail


public void addVariable(String varName)
Adds a permitted variable name to those looked for when parsing expression.

varName - Name of permitted variable.


public void addCommand(String cmdName)
Adds a permitted command/function name to those looked for when parsing expression.

cmdName - Name of permitted command or function.


public Stack parse(String input)
            throws ParseException
Parses an mathematical infix expression storing the operators and operands on a postfixed processing stack. expr -> term moreterms | term
moreterms -> + term | - term
term -> exponent moreexponents | exponent
moreexponents -> * exponent | / exponent
exponent -> factor morefactors | factor
morefactors -> ** factor
factor -> number | ( expr ) | unary factor

input - Mathematical expression to store.
stack containing postfixed representation of the expression.
ParseException - If problem parsing text.


public boolean usesZ1()
Reports whether a 'z1' substitution has been made. This is useful if we need to know whether the contents of z1 needs to be explained or error checked.

true if a 'z1' substitution has been made.


public boolean usesZ2()
Reports whether a 'z2' substitution has been made. This is useful if we need to know whether the contents of z2 needs to be explained or error checked.

true if a 'z2' substitution has been made.

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2009, last modified, 11th February, 2009