Package jwo.utils

A collection of miscellaneous utility classes.


Class Summary
JWFastFourierTransform Calculates the Fast Fourier or Inverse Fast Fourier transforms of an array of discrete real or complex numbers respectively.
JWLogFormatter Creates a simple and terse formatting for Logger output.
JWLUDecomp Class for finding the solution of a set of linear algebraic equations via LU decomposition.
OutputLogger Allows standard output and standard error output to be redirected or copied to an arbitrary log file.
SecureProperties Stores an encrypted version of a properties hashtable.
VarianceCalculator Class for efficient calculation of variance and standard deviation and mean of a list of numbers.

Package jwo.utils Description

A collection of miscellaneous utility classes.

Related Documentation

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2009, last modified, 11th February, 2009