1. Click the Welding Symbol icon from the Annotations toolbar (Symbols
2. Select an element or
click in the free space to position the
anchor point of the welding symbol, and then click to validate. The
welding leader will appear.
Move the cursor to position the welding symbol and then click at
the chosen location.
The Welding creation dialog box is displayed.
4. Type the desired values in the
upper and/or lower field(s).
5. Click the symbol buttons to choose the
welding symbol,
complementary symbols and/or finish symbols.
The welding symbols available depend on your standard.
6. If you want to add
complementary indications like a field weld or a weld tail, for example,
click the appropriate button.
7. Click OK.
The welding symbol is created.
8. If needed, modify the welding symbol position by dragging it to the
required location.
Double-click on the welding symbol to edit it, and change the weld
text side for example by clicking the Up/Down switch button.
At any time, you can modify the welding symbol. To do this,
double-click the welding symbol to be modified and enter the modifications in the
displayed dialog box.
You can import a plain text file (.txt) to use as a reference
(specification, process or other) by clicking the Import File