
Create Clamps: Fixes all degrees of freedom on a geometry selection 

Creating Technological Restraints: Generates restraining joins, either on a geometry selection or on a virtual part 

Create Surface Sliders: Generates surface constraint joins, which allow points of a surface to slide along a coinciding rigid surface (fixes the translation degree of freedom for a surface in the direction of the local normal) 
Create Ball Joins: Generates spherical joins (balls), which allow a rigid body to rotate about a given point (fixes all translation degrees of freedom of a point)
Create Sliders: Generates prismatic joins (sliders), which allow a rigid body to translate along a given axis (fixes all degrees of freedom of a point, except for one translation) 
Create Pivots: Generates conical joins (hinges), which allow a rigid body to rotate around a given axis (fixes all degrees of freedom of a point, except for one rotation) 
Create Sliding Pivots: Generates cylindrical joins (actuators) which allow a rigid body to translate about  and rotate around a given axis (fixes all degrees of freedom of a point, except for one translation and one rotation)

Create Generic Restraints: Creates various types of degree of freedom restraints   

Create Advanced Restraints: Fixes any combination of degrees of freedom on a geometry selection
Create Iso-static Restraints: Generates statically determinate supports on a part 


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