Using the Reaction Feature Window 

You can access the Reaction window by clicking the icon in the Knowledge Advisor workbench.

The Reaction window is made up of 3 major fields: The Source Type field, the Source field and the Action field.

Source Type

Selection enables the user to manually select one or more items in the specification tree or in the geometrical area. These items will be displayed in the Sources field. 
Owner enables the user to link the action with a feature of the geometry or of the specification tree (see Using the Knowledge Advisor Reaction Feature: DragAndDrop Event where the reaction feature is linked with a Hole, for example).
To link the reaction with an object of the geometry, click the Destination field and select an object in the specification tree or in the geometry.

Sources Field

A reaction is a feature that reacts to events (see Available events below) on an object called the source and that triggers an action. 

The Sources field displays the selected items with which the reaction will be linked (only available if the Selection Source type is selected.)

Available events

The events available in this scrolling list depend on the source type selected in the Source type field. The reaction will be fired when one of the events detailed below happens.

Available Events Explanation
AttributeModification The reaction is fired because of an attribute change. Only available if the Selection option is selected.
BeforeUpdate The reaction is fired before a feature is updated.
DragAndDrop  The reaction is fired after a feature is dragged and dropped.
Insert The reaction is fired when a feature is inserted.
Inserted The reaction is fired after a feature is inserted.
Instantiation The reaction is fired when a user feature is instantiated.
Remove The reaction is fired when a feature is removed.
Update The reaction is fired right after a feature is updated. 
ValueChange The reaction is fired because of a parameter value change. Only available if the Selection option is selected.

Action Field

The action is triggered by a reaction that reacts to events on an object. This field enables the user to select the language in which he wants to write the action (VB or the Knowledge Advisor language) and to edit the action.

Edit action button

Click this button to access the Action Editor.

Action Editor

The action editor displayed depends on the language selected in the Action field.

If Knowledgeware action is selected, the window below is displayed.



The Edition pane enables the user to enter the body of the action.
The Dictionary is divided into 2 or 3 panes depending on the selected category:
- The left-hand one displays the categories that can be used in an action.
- The middle one lists the objects belonging to the selected category.
- The right-hand one displays the members of the selected category.

If VB action is selected, the window below is displayed.

- The Name field enables the user to enter a name for the VB script.

- The Comment field enables the user to enter a comment associated to the VB script.

- The Editor enables the user to enter the VB script.

- The Insert object resolution button enables the user to select an object in the specification tree or in the geometry and to automatically add its resolution to the script.

(Click the graphic opposite to enlarge it.)


Creating a Knowledge Advisor Reaction: DragAndDrop Event
Creating a Knowledge Advisor Reaction: Insert Event

Creating a Knowledge Advisor Reaction: Remove Event

Creating a Knowledge Advisor Reaction: BeforeUpdate Event

Creating a Knowledge Advisor Reaction: ValueChange Event

Creating a Knowledge Advisor Reaction: Instantiation Event

Creating a Knowledge Advisor Reaction: Update Event

