Reusing Your Design

Capabilities Purposes
Copy and Paste Provides a quick way of reusing simple features or bodies. This command is to be used when you need to rework one specification or no specifications at all.

Cut and Paste

Provides a quick way of reusing simple features or bodies. This command is to be used when you need to rework one specification or no specifications at all.
Drag and Drop Provides a quick way of copying simple features or bodies at  different locations.
Paste Special Reuses bodies with or without their specifications.
Paste as Result with Link
If this option is used, only the geometry is copied, not the specifications. Pasted bodies reflect the changes to the initial bodies. This command is mostly used in a multi-model environment.
As specified in Part Document
If this option is used, bodies are pasted as well as their design specifications. The capability is the same as the commonly used Copy and Paste command  
Rectangular Pattern Creates several identical features from one feature or more or even from bodies, and simultaneously positions them on an part.

You position instances with respect to a rectangular or circular grid, or using sketched points.

Circular Pattern

User Pattern

PowerCopy Creates a set of features (geometric elements, formulas, constraints and so on) that are grouped in order to be used in a different context. You can completely redefine these entities when you paste them. As it captures the design intent and know-how of the designer, it enables greater reusability and efficiency.We recommend you to use this command for bodies, features, sketches and design tables that require new specifications.

To benefit from the best level of performance in the long term, use this capability to enrich your feature catalogs.

User Defined Feature Creates hybrid features, intended to be stored in catalogs and instantiated later on. For more information, please refer to CATIA-Product Knowledge Template User's Guide Version 5.
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