Transforming Elements
From an Axis to Another

This task shows you how to transform geometry positioned according to a given axis system into a new axis system. The geometry is duplicated and positioned according to the new axis system. One or more elements can be transformed at a time, using the standard multi-selection capabilities.
See also Defining an Axis System.
aprereq.gif (1231 bytes)

Open the Transform2.CATPart document.

  1. Click the Axis To Axis icon .

The Axis to Axis Definition dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Element to be transformed into a new axis system.

  1. Select the initial (Reference) axis system, that is the current one.

  1. Select the Target axis system, that is the one into the element should be positioned.

  1. Click OK to create the transformed element.
    New geometry is now positioned into the new axis system.

The element (identified as Axis to axis is added to the specification tree.

You can choose to display only the elements resulting from the transformation using the Hide/Show Initial Element button.
Use the contextual menus on the dialog box fields to create elements as needed.
A contextual menu is also available to manage the list of selected elements.
You can transform several elements from an axis to another at a time. In this case, refer to Editing a List of Elements to find out how to display and manage the list of selected elements.
The following capabilities are available: Stacking Commands and Selecting Using Multi-Output.

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