btDX11Buffer< float > m_dx11Area
void generateBatches()
Generate (and later update) the batching for the entire triangle set.
virtual void createTriangles(int numTriangles)
Allocate enough space in all link-related arrays to fit numLinks links.
btAlignedObjectArray< int > m_triangleAddresses
Link addressing information for each cloth.
ID3D11Device * m_d3dDevice
virtual void setTriangleAt(const btSoftBodyTriangleData::TriangleDescription &triangle, int triangleIndex)
Insert the link described into the correct data structures assuming space has already been allocated ...
virtual bool onAccelerator()
Return true if data is on the accelerator.
btDX11Buffer< Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 > m_dx11Normal
btAlignedObjectArray< BatchPair > m_batchStartLengths
Start and length values for computation batches over link data.
virtual bool moveFromAccelerator()
Move data from host memory from the accelerator.
virtual bool moveToAccelerator()
Move data from host memory to the accelerator.
btSoftBodyTriangleDataDX11(ID3D11Device *d3dDevice, ID3D11DeviceContext *d3dDeviceContext)
ID3D11DeviceContext * m_d3dDeviceContext
virtual ~btSoftBodyTriangleDataDX11()
btDX11Buffer< btSoftBodyTriangleData::TriangleNodeSet > m_dx11VertexIndices