Class PVTDataPacket

  extended by jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.GarminPacket
      extended by jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.PVTDataPacket
All Implemented Interfaces:
GPSTime, Position

public class PVTDataPacket
extends GarminPacket
implements GPSTime, Position

Represents a packet containing PVT data (position, velocity, time). This is used for real-time transmission of data. After receiving a Cmnd_Start_Pvt-packet, the GPS will continually transmit packets of the PVT-type until told to stop. Garmin GPS being used.

2.3, 24th August, 2006.
Jo Wood, based on the design by Henrik Sorensen (haas@itu.dk).

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.GarminPacket
APPLICATION_LAYER, Cmnd_Abort_Transfer, Cmnd_FlightBook_Transfer, Cmnd_Start_Pvt_Data, Cmnd_Stop_Pvt_Data, Cmnd_Transfer_Alm, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Laps, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Limits, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Points, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Tracks, Cmnd_Transfer_Courses, Cmnd_Transfer_Fitness_User_Profile, Cmnd_Transfer_Laps, Cmnd_Transfer_Posn, Cmnd_Transfer_Prx, Cmnd_Transfer_Rte, Cmnd_Transfer_Runs, Cmnd_Transfer_Time, Cmnd_Transfer_Trk, Cmnd_Transfer_Workout_Limits, Cmnd_Transfer_Workout_Occurrences, Cmnd_Transfer_Workouts, Cmnd_Transfer_Wpt, Cmnd_Transfer_Wpt_Cats, Cmnd_Turn_Off_Pwr, DLE, ETX, Pid_Ack_Byte, Pid_Almanac_Data, Pid_Command_Data, Pid_Course, Pid_Course_CourseLimits, Pid_Course_Lap, Pid_Course_Point, Pid_Course_Trk_Data, Pid_Course_Trk_Hdr, Pid_Data_Available, Pid_Date_Time_Data, Pid_Ext_Product_Data, Pid_Fitness_User_Profile, Pid_FlightBook_Record, Pid_Lap, Pid_Nak_Byte, Pid_Position_Data, Pid_Product_Data, Pid_Product_Rqst, Pid_Protocol_Array, Pid_Prx_Wpt_Data, Pid_Pvt_Data, Pid_Records, Pid_Rte_Hdr, Pid_Rte_Link_Data, Pid_Rte_Wpt_Data, Pid_Run, Pid_Session_Started, Pid_Start_Session, Pid_Trk_Data, Pid_Trk_Hdr, Pid_Workout, Pid_Workout_Limits, Pid_WorkoutOccurrence, Pid_Wpt_Cat, Pid_Wpt_Data, Pid_Xfer_Cmplt, UNKNOWN_FLOAT, USB_PROTOCOL_LAYER
Constructor Summary
PVTDataPacket(GarminPacket packet)
          Creates a PVT packet from the given packet data.
Method Summary
 float getAltitude()
          Reports the altitude of this position.
 short getHours()
          Reports the hour of the day stored in the packet.
 AngleRadians getLatitude()
          Reports the latitude of the position.
 AngleRadians getLongitude()
          Reports the longitude of the position.
 short getMinutes()
          Reports the minutes of the hour stored in the packet.
 short getSeconds()
          Reports the second of the minute stored in the packet.
 String toString()
          Reports a textual representation of this packet.
Methods inherited from class jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.GarminPacket
commandToString, createBasicPacket, createCommandPacket, getChecksum, getConnectionType, getData, getDataLength, getID, getRawPacketData, getType, idToString, readDataByte, readDataDouble, readDataFloat, readDataLong, readDataString, readDataWord, setPacket, setSerialPacket
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PVTDataPacket(GarminPacket packet)
Creates a PVT packet from the given packet data.

packet - Packet to copy.
PacketNotRecognisedException - if the given packet is not a PVT packet.
Method Detail


public short getHours()
Reports the hour of the day stored in the packet.

Specified by:
getHours in interface GPSTime
Hour of the day (0-23).


public short getMinutes()
Reports the minutes of the hour stored in the packet.

Specified by:
getMinutes in interface GPSTime
Minutes of the hour (0-59).


public short getSeconds()
Reports the second of the minute stored in the packet.

Specified by:
getSeconds in interface GPSTime
Second of the minute (0-59).


public AngleRadians getLatitude()
Reports the latitude of the position.

Specified by:
getLatitude in interface Position
Latitude in radians.


public AngleRadians getLongitude()
Reports the longitude of the position.

Specified by:
getLongitude in interface Position
Longitude in radians.


public float getAltitude()
Reports the altitude of this position.

Specified by:
getAltitude in interface Position
Altitude of this position in units determined by the GPS. May be 0 if GPS unit does not record waypoint altitude.


public String toString()
Reports a textual representation of this packet.

toString in class GarminPacket
String containing the position in a human readable format.

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2009, last modified, 11th February, 2009