Class RecordsPacket

  extended by jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.GarminPacket
      extended by jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.RecordsPacket

public class RecordsPacket
extends GarminPacket

Represents a packet transmitted before a large transfer of data units.

2.3, 21st August, 2006
Jo Wood, based on the design by Henrik Sorensen (haas@itu.dk).

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.GarminPacket
APPLICATION_LAYER, Cmnd_Abort_Transfer, Cmnd_FlightBook_Transfer, Cmnd_Start_Pvt_Data, Cmnd_Stop_Pvt_Data, Cmnd_Transfer_Alm, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Laps, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Limits, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Points, Cmnd_Transfer_Course_Tracks, Cmnd_Transfer_Courses, Cmnd_Transfer_Fitness_User_Profile, Cmnd_Transfer_Laps, Cmnd_Transfer_Posn, Cmnd_Transfer_Prx, Cmnd_Transfer_Rte, Cmnd_Transfer_Runs, Cmnd_Transfer_Time, Cmnd_Transfer_Trk, Cmnd_Transfer_Workout_Limits, Cmnd_Transfer_Workout_Occurrences, Cmnd_Transfer_Workouts, Cmnd_Transfer_Wpt, Cmnd_Transfer_Wpt_Cats, Cmnd_Turn_Off_Pwr, DLE, ETX, Pid_Ack_Byte, Pid_Almanac_Data, Pid_Command_Data, Pid_Course, Pid_Course_CourseLimits, Pid_Course_Lap, Pid_Course_Point, Pid_Course_Trk_Data, Pid_Course_Trk_Hdr, Pid_Data_Available, Pid_Date_Time_Data, Pid_Ext_Product_Data, Pid_Fitness_User_Profile, Pid_FlightBook_Record, Pid_Lap, Pid_Nak_Byte, Pid_Position_Data, Pid_Product_Data, Pid_Product_Rqst, Pid_Protocol_Array, Pid_Prx_Wpt_Data, Pid_Pvt_Data, Pid_Records, Pid_Rte_Hdr, Pid_Rte_Link_Data, Pid_Rte_Wpt_Data, Pid_Run, Pid_Session_Started, Pid_Start_Session, Pid_Trk_Data, Pid_Trk_Hdr, Pid_Workout, Pid_Workout_Limits, Pid_WorkoutOccurrence, Pid_Wpt_Cat, Pid_Wpt_Data, Pid_Xfer_Cmplt, UNKNOWN_FLOAT, USB_PROTOCOL_LAYER
Constructor Summary
RecordsPacket(GarminPacket packet)
          Creates a records packet from the given packet data.
RecordsPacket(int connectionType, int numRecords)
          Creates a records packet that indicates the given number of items will follow.
Method Summary
 int getNumber()
          Reports the number of records that this packet announces.
 String toString()
          Reports a textual representation of this packet.
Methods inherited from class jwo.landserf.process.gps.garmin.GarminPacket
commandToString, createBasicPacket, createCommandPacket, getChecksum, getConnectionType, getData, getDataLength, getID, getRawPacketData, getType, idToString, readDataByte, readDataDouble, readDataFloat, readDataLong, readDataString, readDataWord, setPacket, setSerialPacket
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RecordsPacket(int connectionType,
                     int numRecords)
Creates a records packet that indicates the given number of items will follow.

connectionType - Type of connection used to send packet - either GarminGPS.USB or GarminGPS.SERIAL.
numRecords - Number of records that will follow this packet.


public RecordsPacket(GarminPacket packet)
Creates a records packet from the given packet data.

packet - Packet to copy.
PacketNotRecognisedException - if the given packet is not a records packet.
Method Detail


public int getNumber()
Reports the number of records that this packet announces.

Number of records to follow in next packet.


public String toString()
Reports a textual representation of this packet.

toString in class GarminPacket
String containing the position in a human readable format.

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2009, last modified, 11th February, 2009