Class Token

  extended by jwo.utils.syntaxhighlighter.Token

public class Token
extends Object

A token represents a smallest meaningful fragment of text, such as a word, recognised by a scanner.

1.0, February, 2006 modified 15th February, 2006.
Henk Muller, Minor modifications, Jo Wood.

Field Summary
 int position
          The token's position is given by an index into the document text.
 Symbol symbol
          The symbol contains all the properties shared with similar tokens.
Constructor Summary
Token(Symbol symbol, int position)
          Creates a token with a given symbol and position.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Symbol symbol
The symbol contains all the properties shared with similar tokens.


public int position
The token's position is given by an index into the document text.

Constructor Detail


public Token(Symbol symbol,
             int position)
Creates a token with a given symbol and position.

symbol - Symbol representing token.
position - Position of symbol.

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2009, last modified, 11th February, 2009