Package jwo.utils.syntaxhighlighter

A collection of classes for creating coloured syntax highlighting.


Interface Summary
TokenTypes The TokenTypes interface defines the integer constants representing different types of tokens, for use with any languages.

Class Summary
HighlightEdit Creates a simple Java text editor to illustrate the SyntaxHighlighter.
JavaScanner A Java language scanner that highlights Java keywords, syntax etc.
Scanner A Scanner object provides a lexical analyser and a resulting token array.
Symbol A Symbol represents the information shared between similar tokens, that is their type and spelling.
SyntaxHighlighter Displays text with syntax highlighting.
Token A token represents a smallest meaningful fragment of text, such as a word, recognised by a scanner.

Package jwo.utils.syntaxhighlighter Description

A collection of classes for creating coloured syntax highlighting.

Based on the design and code provided by Henk Muller at Bristol University.

Related Documentation

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2009, last modified, 11th February, 2009