Creating Surfaces

Wireframe and Surface allows you to model both simple and complex surfaces using techniques such as extruding, lofting and sweeping.

Two creation modes are available: either you create geometry with its history or not. Geometry with no history is called a datum. Please refer to Creating Datums for more information.

Create extruded surfaces: select a profile, specify the extrusion direction, the start and end limits.
Create surfaces of revolution: select a profile and a rotation axis, and key in an angle
Create spherical surfaces: select the center point of the sphere, the axis-system defining the meridian and parallel curves, and define the angular limits of the spherical surface
Offset surfaces: select a surface, specify the offset value and choose the offset direction
Create swept surfaces: select a guide curve, a planar profile, optionally a spine and second guide curve, and  position the profile
Create filling surfaces: select curves/surface edges to form a closed boundary and specify the continuity type
Creating lofted surfaces: select one or two planar section curves, optionally guide curves and a spine
Creating blended surfaces: select two curves, and possibly their support, specify the tension, continuity, closing point and coupling ratio, if needed.


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