Publications by Peter Willetts
Emeritus Professor of Global Politics
NGOs as Insider Participants:
Evolution of the role of NGOs at the United NationsContribution to Elgar Handbook of Research on NGOs
Edited by Aynsley Kellow and Hannah Murphy-Gregory, (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, September 2018), 488 pp, Hardback £150.00; EE Web Order £135.00
Updates my previous work on NGOs at the UN, by outlining the increase in the number of NGOs, the changes in the types of NGOs being accredited and the breakthrough in gaining access to the General Assembly, through the new format of Hearings.Contents
This Handbook is focused on NGOs and global politics. It opens with a section on the history of NGOs, their role in intergovernmental organisations and problems in studying NGOs systematically. The second section covers the activities of NGOs in eight different policy areas. The final section discusses seven issues from accountability, global governance and religion, to problems in China and the EU, and going global in private governance and the professions.
The Elgar On-Line website offers a full list of the contributors, their chapter titles and a brief description of the contents of each chapter. (If the information does not appear, click on the Table of Contents button.)
Non-Governmental Organizations in World Politics:
The Construction of Global Governance(London: Routledge, Global Institutions Series, 2011)
Publisher's price: paperback £24.99; hardback £110.00; e-book £24.99
Previous Books Edited or Authored by Peter Willetts
- 'The Conscience of the World'. The Influence of Non-Governmental Organisations in the UN System,
(London: Christopher Hurst for the David Davies Institute, 1996), (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1996). In the USA, this will permanently available from Brookings through their print-on-demand system.
To see the contents - click here.
- Pressure Groups in the Global System: The Transnational Relations of Issue-Orientated Non-Governmental Organisations,
(London: Frances Pinter, Global Politics Series, 1982), (New York: St.Martin's Press, 1982).
To see the contents - click here.
- The Non-Aligned Movement. The Origins of a Third World Alliance,
(London: Frances Pinter, 1978), (New York: Nichols Publishing, 1982).
- The Non-Aligned in Havana,
(London: Frances Pinter, Global Politics Series, 1981).
- Interdependence on Trial. Studies in the Theory and Reality of Contemporary Interdependence,
edited with R.J. Barry Jones, (London: Frances Pinter, 1984).
Publications Available on this Website
- "Non-Aligned Movement and Developing Countries", The Annual Register. A Record of World Events,
(chapters of approximately a thousand words, covering events for each year and published in the following year).
- Vols. 248-253, events from 2005 to 2011 - Word 6 file
- Vol. 247, events in 2005 - Word 6 file
- Vol. 246, events in 2004 - Word 6 file
- Vol. 245, events in 2003 - Word 6 file
- Vol. 244, events in 2002 - Word 6 file
- Vol. 243, events in 2001 - Word 6 file
- Vol. 242, events in 2000 - Word 6 file
- "The Cardoso Report on the UN and Civil Society: Functionalism, Global Corporatism or Global Democracy?",
Journal of Global Governance, Vol. 12, 2006, pages 305-324. - click here
- "Remedying the World Trade Organisation's Deviance from Global Norms", in P. Griffith and J. Thurston (eds.),
Free and Fair: Making the Progressive Case for Removing Trade Barriers,
(London: Foreign Policy Centre, Nov. 2004), pages 131-140. - click here
- "Non-Governmental Organizations", UNESCO Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems,
Section 1 Institutional and Infrastructure Resource Issues, Article, (November 2001, an 8,800-word essay). - click here
- "The International Monetary Fund", UNESCO Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems,
Section 1 Institutional and Infrastructure Resource Issues, Article, (October 2001). - click here
Other Previous Publications
- Articles and Book Chapters on NGOs - click here
- Editorial Work on Books by Others Authors - click here
Research Project on Civil Society Networks in Global Governance
From October 2000 until September 2002, Peter Willetts was on research leave, to work as part of the Globalisation and Poverty Research Programme of the Department for International Development. His contribution, under the title Civil Society Networks in Global Governance was on the analysis of NGO participation in the UN Commission on Sustainable Development and the Global Environment Facility. The creation of this website was part of the project.
- Some early output from the Project - click here
- Speeches and Documents on the Politics of International Economics - click here
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Page maintained by Peter Willetts [P dot Willetts at city dot ac dot uk]
Emeritus Professor of Global Politics, City, University of London
Page last updated on 9 October 2018.