Wireframe and Surface Menu Bar

Here we will present the various menus and menu commands that are specific to Wireframe and Surface Version 5.

Start File Edit View Insert Tools Windows Help

Tasks corresponding to general menu commands are described in the Infrastructure User's Guide.



Please note that most of the Edit commands available here are common facilities offered with the Infrastructure.

The specific Wireframe and Surface Edit commands depend on the type of object being edited:  Open Body or other entity.


Command... Description...
Undo Cancels the last action
Repeat Repeats the last performed action
Update See Updating Your Design
Paste Special...
Performs cut
paste and
special paste operations
Delete Deletes selected geometry
Search... Allows searching and selecting objects
Selection Sets
Define Selection Sets
Allows to define and modify selected objects as sets
Links Manages links to other documents
Properties Allows displaying and editing object properties
Scan or Define in Work Object Allows to design features without taking the complete Part into account


Edit Inputs...

Allows to edit the object inputs and parameters

Change Body... Moving an Open Body to a new Open Body
AutoSort Allows to reorder the Open Body's children according to the logical construction order
Reorder Children See Editing Definitions
Show Components Hiding/Showing Open Bodies and Their Contents
Hide Components

Create Group

Allows creating groups. Refer to Generative Shape Design User's Guide - Basic Tasks - Managing Groups

Reset Properties

Allows resetting object properties


For... See...
Sketcher... Refer to the Sketcher User's Guide.
Open body See Managing Open Bodies
Axis System Allows the creation of local axis-system
Wireframe Insert > Wireframe
Surfaces Insert > Surfaces
Operations Insert > Operations
Constraints Insert > Constraints
Analysis Insert > Analysis
Advanced Replication Tools Insert > Advanced Replication Tools
Document Template Creation... Allows the creation of part templates. Refer to the chapter Creating a Part Template in the Product Knowledge Template User's Guide.
Instantiate From Document... Instantiating PowerCopies

Insert -> Wireframe

For... See...
Point... Points
Line... Lines
Plane... Planes
Projection... Creating Projections
Intersection... Creating Intersections
Circle... Circles
Corner... Corners
Connect Curve... Connect Curves
Spline... Creating Splines
Helix... Creating Helices
Polyline... Creating Polylines

Insert -> Surfaces

For... See...
Extrude... Creating Extruded Surfaces
Revolve... Creating Revolution Surfaces
Sphere... Creating Spherical Surfaces
Offset... Creating Offset Surfaces
Sweep... Creating Swept Surfaces
Fill... Creating Filling Surfaces
Loft... Creating Lofted Surfaces
Blend... Creating Blend Surfaces

Insert -> Operations

For... See...
Join... Joining Geometric Elements
Healing... Healing Geometry
Untrim... Restoring a Surface
Disassemble... Disassembling Surfaces
Split... Splitting Geometry
Trim... Trimming Geometry
Boundary... Creating Boundary Curves
Extract... Extracting Geometry
Translate... Translating Geometry
Rotate... Rotating Geometry
Symmetry... Performing Symmetry on Geometry
Scaling... Transforming Geometry by Scaling
Affinity... Transforming Geometry by Affinity
Near... Creating Nearest Entity of a Multiple Element
Extrapolate... Extrapolating Curves and Extrapolating Surfaces

Insert -> Constraints


For... See...
Constraint Defined in Dialog Box...
Creating Constraints

Insert -> Analysis

For... See...
Connect Checker Checking Connections Between Surfaces
Curve Connect Checker Checking Connections Between Curves


Insert -> Advanced Replication Tools

For... See...
Object Repetition... Repeating Objects
Points Creation Repetition... Multiple Points
Planes Between... Creating Planes Between Other Planes
PowerCopy Creation... Creating PowerCopies



Please note that most of the Tools commands available here are common facilities offered with the Infrastructure.

Specific Wireframe and Surface Tools commands are described in the present document.


Command... Description...
Formula... Allows editing parameters and formula.
Image Allows capturing images.
Macro Allows recording, running and editing macros.
Hiding/showing open bodies and their contents
Parent/Children... Allows viewing the parents and children of a selected object.
Work on Support See Working with a Support
Snap to point See Working with a Support
Open Catalog... Allows the opening of catalogs, for PowerCopies for example
External View... Allows specifying a feature as a reference for other products/applications. Refer to the chapter Managing Open Bodies in the Generative Shape Design User's Guide
Customize... Allows customizing the workbench.
Visualization Filters... Allows to manage layer filters
Options Allows customizing settings.
Publication Allows to make documents publicly available
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